123 Seriously Smart Things You Need To Know About The Climate

123 Seriously Smart Things You Need To Know About The Climate

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What's inside?

A fun, well-structured collection of facts and trivia about the climate. Did you know that:

  • Deserts provide food for fish?
  • 70% of all birds on the planet are chickens?
  • Climate change was the reason why humans began to talk?
  • Cows emit harmful methane when they burp or fart?

Filled to the brim with 123 astonishing facts about the environment and climate, this accessible book explores the history of climate change and offers suggestions on how we can keep our planet liveable.

About the author

Mathilda Masters is an explorer. She has made her passion her profession and is now professionally discovering new continents and countries. When Mathilda is not exploring, she is writing about her adventures. And when those adventures are not adventurous enough, she simply makes them up.


  • Paperback
  • 144 Pages
  • Size: 24 x 19.6cm
  • Suitable for ages 5+
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